

Friday, November 25, 2016


Hello everybody! In the previous topic of this series you could see some concepts about verbs structure in Portuguese and how we use to group them. If you want to review these concepts you can click in this link: Portuguese regular verbs (Present Tense) - Part I. In this second part of basic topics about Portuguese verb conjugation you will see how to apply the indicators of mode, time, number and person in verbs conjugation.

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When conjugating regular verbs in Portuguese, you just have to preserve the root of the verb and replace "AR", "ER" or "IR" with the appropriate verb ending.

1) If you want to review subject pronouns concepts, click this link: Portuguese subject pronouns
2) In this article, you can find the translation for the verbs used here: Portuguese Regular Verbs (Present Tense) - Part I

First, let's see the rules for the First Conjugation (verbs ending in "AR"):

First conjugation - verb CANTAR
Singular Plural
Eu canto
Tu cantas
[Você canta]
Ele canta
Ela canta
Nós cantamos
[A gente canta]
Vós cantais
Vocês cantam
Eles cantam
Elas cantam

These are the rules for all regular verbs that belong to the First Conjugation group. Once you memorize this rules will be able to conjugate any regular verb in this group and you will be able to build your Portuguese vocabulary and continue to learn how to conjugate more verbs and in different tenses.

Let's see if you could understand. Please give me some examples of phrases using these verbs and pronouns:

Eu / Falar:

Ele / Cozinhar:

Nós / Ajudar:

Now, let's see the rules for the Second Conjugation (verbs ending in "ER"):

Second conjugation - verb BEBER
Singular Plural
Eu bebo
Tu bebes
[Você bebe]
Ele bebe
Ela bebe
Nós bebemos
[A gente bebe]
Vós bebeis
Vocês bebem
Eles bebem
Elas bebem

Can you give me more examples? This time you will use the Second Conjugation verbs:

Você / Beber:

Eu / viver:

Eles / dever:

Finaly, let's see the rules for the Third Conjugation (verbs ending in "IR" or "OR"):

Third conjugation - verb DESISTIR
Singular Plural
Eu desisto
Tu desistes
[Você desiste]
Ele desiste
Ela desiste
Nós desistimos
[A gente desiste]
Vós desistis
Vocês desistem
Eles desistem
Elas desistem

Can you give me some examples using the Third conjugation?

Eu / Existir:

Ele / Partir:

Nós / Possuir:


An important thing to know about Portuguese language is that often the pronoun in omitted. This is because the verb's conjugation already indicates the pronoun in the phrase. Example:
"Eu canto muito bem." ("I sing very well")
"Canto muito bem." ("I sing very well.")


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