Image (Fairy Tale) by Hans Splinter (CC BY 2.0)

You already can read in Portuguese, but you feel like you aren't ready for big books... Dis you already think about reading children's books? I bet you will love it...
Yes, reading these books can be a great way of practice Portuguese. These books will help up to increase your vocabulary and will expose you to diferent phrase's structures. And at the end you will have a really fun story as exercice.
Maybe is not easy to find books in portuguese versions in your city or maybe you can find expensive books. In this post I will list here some easy reading books for children available for free on "Domínio Público" site. This portal is like a virtual library that has only freee books:
> A borboleta azul
( Autor: Lenira Almeida Heck/ PDF)
> A Bruxa e o Caldeirão
( Autor: José Leon Machado/ PDF)
> Amanda e os Nanorobôs
( Autor: Eliú Quintiliano/ PDF)
> As abelhas e as formigas
( Autor: Lenira Almeida Heck/ PDF)
> Chuva e sol
( Autor: Adelina Lopes Vieira/ PDF)
You can find more books on: CLICK HERE
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