

Sunday, August 16, 2015


Hello everybody!

In this post I would like to suggest some videos taken from a Brazilian TV program from 90's. The program was called "Rá-Tim-Bum". It was made for children, so they could have entertainment and education at the same time.

To me "Rá-Tim-Bum" was amazing in all its parts. But in this post I want to highlight a part that is particularly interesting for you that came here looking for Portuguese listening exercises suggestions: "CONTADORES DE HISTÓRIAS".

"Contadores de Histórias" means "storytellers" in English. As their target audience were children, you can imagine that they spoke clearly, used simple vocabulary and artifacts that stimulate imagination. So... perfect to you!

Here I show you some of my favorite histories, you can watch them and if you like you can look for more in YouTube for example. I hope that you like it:

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