Hello Everybody! This post will show you basic topics about Portuguese subject personal pronouns. They are easy to understand and very important in this phase of your learning trail.
Helpful video
Like in English, Portuguese subject pronouns replace nouns, indicating people in the speech. The image bellow shows what are the Subject Personal Pronouns in Portuguese.

* "você" is not exactly a personal pronoun, you will see in the future that it's a different pronoun and it has different uses in Brazil and Portugal
** "a gente" here in the image is an informal expression that is used as the same meaning as "nós" in Brazil. It can be a little bit tricky because there
is another expression "a gente" that means "the people" and it's more in Portugal although is also used in Brazil.
Could you guess what are the matching English pronouns for each one? Let's see:
- First-person singular: EU = I
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Second-person singular: TU = YOU
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Third-person singular: ELE = HE
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Third-person singular: ELA = SHE
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Third-person singular: VOCÊ = YOU
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- First-person plural: NÓS = WE
voice from Brazil (Rio):
voice from Brazil (PR):
voice from Portugal:
- Second-person plural: VÓS = YOU
voice from Brazil: #AUDIO#
voice from Portugal:
- Third-person plural: ELES = THEY
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Third-person plural: ELAS = THEY
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal: #AUDIO#
- Third-person plural: VOCÊS = YOU
voice from Brazil:
voice from Portugal:
- Portuguese has no subject pronoun for "IT", which is generally implied in the sentence.
- "VÓS" is not used anymore (neither in Brazil neither in majority part of Portugal)
- "ELAS" (masculine) , "ELES" (feminine)
An important thing to know about Portuguese language is that often the pronoun in omitted. This is because the verb's conjugation already
indicates the pronoun in the phrase. For example:
"Eu canto muito bem." ("I sing very well")
"Canto muito bem." ("I sing very well.")
In this post I just wanted to show you some concepts. As you could imagine, you will have to learn a lot of related topics in future such as Conjugation and Object Pronouns.
Also you will have to learn about the polemical differences on "TU vs. VOCÊ". If you are curious about this, you can click this link: Você vs. Tu: How and Where can I use them?